Beginning Braille is a supplementary curriculum that is UEB compatible. It is not a full reading program but it includes several lesson plans and resources that will round out braille instruction from other programs such as The Mangold Developmental Program of Tactile Perception and Braille Letter Recognition or Patterns. It is intended to be used by VI teachers looking for additional practice exercises for their braille readers.
Beginning Braille is comprised of 6 levels that include exercises for tracking, letter discrimination, reversals, and more. The levels may be used separately or in conjunction with other levels.
- Level A: Track and Find begins the program by presenting the braille letters (a-z) and braille numbers with the number sign in a simple format that develops independent tracking skills and allows early success in discrimination.
- Level B: Letter Discrimination provides extensive practice in five consistent formats to develop better letter discrimination. Each letter of the alphabet is practiced independent of the mastery of other letters. This makes it easy to use when trying to work concurrently with the letter instruction of the regular classroom teacher.
- Level C: Seek and Find Letters in a Growing Field takes the skills mastered in Levels A and B and refines them by concentrating on discriminating letters in groups that increase in size by 1 starting with 2 characters and growing to 5 characters.
- Level D: Building Sentences with Letter Words introduces letter words (alphabet contractions) along with basic kindergarten and first grade vocabulary. This is a very basic reading workbook that allows for early success. The reading format uses expanding sentences, for example: a, a cat, a cat can, a cat can run.
- Level E: Confounding Confusers provides extra practice in discerning confusers and reversals common for beginning braille readers. It is designed to provide a sequential order of worksheets that can be used to build discrimination.
- Level F: Braille Assessment or Advanced Beginner Instruction presents the alphabet in the quickest fashion for the advanced, tactually successful beginning reader. Letters are presented in groups of 5 along with sentences using the corresponding letter words. Reviews are included to determine efficiency.
The program includes the student braille worksheets for all levels and the teacher's manual.
Beginning Braille is appropriate for students of all ages.